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(When it comes to improving your bottom line)

I get it. Inputs are expensive. Equipment prices are ridiculous. And our crop is not certain. All-in-all margins are tight.

Farmers must keep their pencils sharpened. When it comes to making money on the farm, do not discount any possibility of perhaps dealing with grain buyers and locations even if they are new to you or farther away. At the end of the day, every cent matters. That's what's great about Farmbucks, you can see far and wide where your price opportunities are and it’s as easy as a phone call away. (Phone numbers are provided when you click on a company's tab)

Did you apply for CEBA (Canada Emergency Business Account)? It's worth noting that farmers are able to apply for CEBA. I know, I know, you didn't get into farming for subsidies. Well, this one could help, so don't be so stubborn. Take a look is all I ask.

The government extended its eligibility criteria to include those who do not have payroll over 20k. So, many of us that are self-employed, in partnerships or corporations would qualify. It is a 40k interest-free grant and if you repay 30k by Dec. 31, 2022, the government will forgive 10k! Deadline to apply is Aug. 31, so if you plan to apply, do it asap. You can apply online through your financial institution or click here.

Our survey will close at 5 p.m. MST today and a winner will be announced next Friday!

Click Start Survey to give us your valuable feedback and help us develop an even better service tailored for you! It only takes five minutes and everyone who completes the survey is automatically entered to win a free one-year subscription to Farmbucks and sweet swag!

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Market Watch:
Canola slightly higher; $11/bu pop up specials for Feb-May 2021. Wheat up. Yellow peas $7+/bu off combine in many places. Green peas down. Malt Barley down. Feed barley holding its own (for now).

Most years there's a typical seasonal lull that happens as farmers work away in the fields. To avoid selling into the brunt this harvest season, check your position, especially if you lack storage capacity. If you happen to need to sell some crops - canola, barley, and peas values are the ones to look at. Wheat futures, although higher this week, are lagging behind.

If you didn’t hear, an intense storm called a 'derecho' tore through Iowa and destroyed corn and soybeans acres on Monday, Aug 10. The futures hardly moved even from this devastating news. Regardless, large crop production from other states make-up for it.

Strong soybean oil and other veggie oils markets are currently holding canola markets up.

Minn. wheat futures finally made a little headway although seasonal odds are still not in its favour. Note that there are also some narrowing basis levels, as well, working against it.

Weekly Price Changes:
- Canola bids are up $0.03/bu in nearby months and up $0.09.bu for 2021 del. bids

- CPSR bids ended up $0.20/bu

- New crop CWRS bids are up about $0.15/bu

- Malt Barley bids are down

- Yellow pea bids - look for specials

Find all the details on our app or website—your login works for both!

**Make sure you allow push notifications to get all the latest specials**

If you have locations or bids that you want us to cover just send us a quick email or text!
Aug 17 - 21, 2020
Canola - $11.00+/bu Feb 2021 onward
2 CPSR 11 - $5.97/bu Jan 2021
2 CWRS 13.5 - $6.79/bu - April 2021
Barley - $4.50/bu Dec-Jan
Yellow Peas - $7.25/bu Jan-Mar 2021
Oats 2CW - new crop $3.50+/bu Jan 2021 onward
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044


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