Happy Holidays from us! 🎄


Shine Bright.

(As bright as these canola prices!)


What a year it has been! Without a doubt, it was another challenging one for everyone, especially when it comes to our mental health. I know how hard you work and how you do it all without knowing what your paycheck will be. There's a quiet humbleness and resilience built into each farmer that is hard to find in today's society. 

Even though the general population may not realize the extent of work you do, you are essential, make no mistake. You are essential to keeping this world going round and being well-fed in the process. There's hardly an argument for anything more crucial or essential than food. Because of you people everywhere will get to enjoy quality food around their tables this year.

Lastly, thank you. Thank you for sticking with me in support of Farmbucks and my endeavour to relay every available price option to you. Thank you for spreading the word to neighbours, friends and grain buyers. There is lots more to come because of YOU. From my family and I, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas with lots of love and laughter. 



Market Recap:

Canola: Futures are still working higher but took a hard fall this weds. and then continued to pick itself back up today. Where canola markets go from here will depend on how the South American soybean crop pans out and how much rationing is needed to align supply/demand. Still, I've heard of some $15/bu targets being picked up!

Wheat: Wheat futures made some positive gains this week. Russia and Ukraine want to keep more of their wheat at home and the winter wheat crop around the world doesn't look that pretty (but it's hard to know how this one plays out until the combines actually hit the fields).

Barley: Same as last week - corn futures keep reaching new highs as there are some weather concerns in South America. Its lending support to high feed grain pricing.

Peas: Yellow pea prices have the potential to go higher still as they are low cost in comparison to other feed grains and protein sources. Green pea prices not so much. 

Around the farm: Laying low but always staying busy. I'm excited to work on some very cool Farmbucks' additions (I'll keep you in the loop). It's also that time of year kids are home and I continuously threaten them that if they don't play nice then Santa isn't coming ... I'm sure you all have hit this level of "I-love-my-kids-but-I-might-snap" holiday cheer once or twice! Anyhow, we are having a ton of fun and making the most out of our days. Merry Christmas! 

Weekly Cash Bid Changes:
Canola: up another $0.20/bu - $0.50/bu 

CPSR: higher $0.29/bu or down $0.20/bu for buyers who widened basis
CWRS: higher $0.19/bu or down $0.06/bu for those buyers who widened basis

Feed Barley: strength in some pop-up bids

Yellow Peas: unchanged

Oats: unchanged

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Dec. 21 - 24, 2020
Canola - $14.50/bu Mar - even some $15.00/bu targets hitting!
2 CPSR 11 - $7.27/bu May
1 CWRS 13.5 - $8.10/bu May
Barley - $6.00/bu Mar, $5.25/bu Nov
Yellow Peas - $9.55 Apr-May
Oats 2CW - $4.00/bu (in Sask)
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044 


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