New Year. New Highs?? 🥂


New Year. New Goals! 

(Let's try this again.)

As we close out an eventful and challenging 2021, we are always amazed by the resilience and perseverance of farmers. New hope is on the horizon, at least that's what we are all telling ourselves. After some time away from the daily grind and a renewed focus on family, we trust you will be ready to hit the ground running as 2022 begins.

No matter what walls we as farmers have to scale this New Year, we are here to help you do it! And, after a quick review of 2021’s crop year, I am confident you can scale any wall staring back at you. I started Farmbucks to empower farmers of all sizes to reach their goals, and enable those around us with tools for success. On that note, we are excited to announce that we have partnered with Combyne to assign real-time prices to your unsold inventories and help you to quantitate your on-farm values quicker and easier so you can sell grain at prices that work for you. Check it out! (Not to worry, your information is safe and not shared with anyone!)

We are just getting started! The world is changing and so are we. More value, new features and improved functionalities are coming very soon—stay tuned!


Weekly Market Recap:

Generally speaking, markets started off strong this week before turning lower. Trade volume is light. 

Deals of the week: $24.00+/bu old crop canola (this past Monday)


Canola: The expiring January futures contract made over $60 gains earlier in the week before making the plunge back downward. Someone was caught short! All other canola futures months have been holding their ground relatively well and remain strong.

Soybeans have been rallying the past couple of months and started this week really strong before turning lower on news of moisture in South America. Southern areas still need rain. South American weather is still paramount.

Wheat: Wheat was doing well before Christmas came and since then has been experiencing losses. Wheat charts look weak right now and at the brink of breaking below support lines. Things may turn around in the New Year though as trade volumes have been light. We will be keeping a close eye on it to see where it goes next.

Some durum specials have popped up this week for nearby delivery.

Barley: Barley's movement and demand has been quiet over the holidays. Corn has been rallying the last while but also reversed lower this week. Wetter forecasts in South America are partly to blame.  

Peas: Quiet. No recent action seen. 

Oats: Oat bids have been holding steady with a few locations offering premiums still. 

Around the farm: To my own surprise, we are putting our farm-made ice rink to work despite the -50°C weather! Gross. Oddly enough, though, we kind of get used to it. Maybe it’s the Eskimo in us, maybe it’s the alcohol. Either way, we are having a ton of fun with many visits from friends and family. We are very fortunate and blessed to be living a fairly 'free' life here on the farm—free of judgment and free to do as you please (ignoring the news at all costs). Now that the kids are home another week, I am looking into things to do. I like to see it as an opportunity to do something fun. I'll let you know what we do in next week’s eNewsletter ;)

Thank you, our customers, for the support that makes our improvements and growth possible. Thank you for being patient as we expand and for being part of our journey and for letting us be part of yours. Until then, stay warm!

Cheers to a New Year!!


Weekly Cash Bid Changes:
(Comparison of last Friday's bids to today)


Canola: Old Crop Mostly Up $0.08/bu - $0.20/bu
New Crop Up $0.14/bu - $0.26/bu

CWRS: Down $0.60/bu - $0.72/bu

CPSR: Down $0.60/bu - $0.72/bu

Feed Barley: Unchanged

Yellow Peas: Unchanged

Oats: Unchanged

Find all the details on our app or website—your login works for both!

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Dec. 31, 2021
Canola - $23.87/bu March, $17.50/bu Sept. onward
1 CWRS 13.5 - $13.33/bu Jan., $11.05/bu Sept.
2 CPSR 11 - $11.70/bu Jan., $9.63/bu Oct.
Feed Wheat (Red) - $12.35/bu Apr.
Barley - $9.10+/bu Jan. onward, $7.30/bu Oct.-Nov.
Yellow Peas - $17.75/bu Jan.-March
Oats - $10.80/bu Feb.-March, $7.00/bu Aug.-Sept.
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044 


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