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Can't do it without the crew

(Teamwork makes the dream work!)

Harvest is less stressful when you build up a good crew to back you. This goes form everything on the farm to running Farmbucks. Here is one of my top operators who also happens to be a sister, Suzy. She is one of the key pieces to my operation and harvest would be a lot more boring, and slower, without her. We like to fill up the airwaves with ridiculousness and laughter. Here’s to the unsung, hidden heroes that keep us sane during harvest each year!

Speaking of hidden heroes, did you know that Farmbucks constantly refreshes and sorts your local bids while you harvest, run trucks or keep the yard in order. We do it through an advanced algorithm so you can extract the top value for your hard-farmed crop and have more fun while doing it! Add Farmbucks to your crew and unlock more value than you realize!


Weekly Market Recap:

Markets had a down week. A combination of better ending stock numbers for canola and wheat from StatsCan and the anticipation of higher yield numbers for soybeans and corn in today's WASDE report were to blame.

Deals of the week: $19.00/bu maple peas, $33.00/bu flax


Canola: Canola loses ground this week following soybeans. Australia is on track to pull off a record yield and StatsCan had increased its ending stocks position which did not help. Note, this does not change the fact that our supplies will be tight. Either way, futures fell and so did our current offers. 

The WASDE report that was released today increased the estimated U.S. soybean yield but lowered the total acreage. Overall, the soybean crop is projected to be slightly larger than its previous estimate. Fund selling and speculation kept pressure on this market all week before it turned to end in the green today. At least it's showing some signs of wanting to avoid a deeper break. 

Wheat: Wheat markets just arent strong lately. Wheat futures suffered losses all week this week, too. Minneapolis ended a bit higher today riding the tail of corn and soybean futures. StatsCan released higher wheat ending stocks earlier this week to some surprise.
We noticed cash bids decline across the board and some of those $11/bu feed wheat bids were pulled off the market. 

Barley: Huge price discrepancies can be found in the feed barley market so shop around. Many bids have been adjusted lower this week by that $0.50/bu or more.
Malt barley bids have continued to hold strong. I have noticed that Viterra locations have increased their malt barley bids (reaching $10.25/bu) so be sure to check them out! 
Corn declined all week but managed to regain some strength today even after the release of a higher crop yield estimate and acreage from the USDA.

Peas: Pea prices have also backed right off this week as buyers have nearby requirements filled and are now looking to fill trains for later Dec./Jan. months. Green peas carryover is still quite large (confirmed by this week’s StatCan report) and that's why greens aren’t bringing much more than yellows.
Maple pea bids seem to be holding their strength right now. 

Oats: Oat futures fell a little bit as StatCan released numbers that were higher than expected in carryover numbers before gaining a little bit of strength back today. On the cash bid side, we have not witnessed too much action. Bids remain largely unchanged this week.

Around the farm: We wrapped up my wheat harvest and pulled off about 1,000 acres of canola. We typically straight cut every acre and in our area, and the amount of heat blasting is atrocious. Fields out here are a mess, to say the least. A late rain made all plants want to grow again so I have areas that are green green green (and some flowering) with second growth! Eww. I am forced to cut areas out of fields that just cannot be harvested until either we get a frost or I desiccate. I had to blow out my sieves multiple times from green buildup so I decided to shut my combines down for a week or so to try and let the crop die a little more.

The canola I did pull off was testing dry but it does look different this year with split seeds, green leafy material and even some yellow flowers coming in the tank. It looks way better after a day on air. I sent a sample away to a local elevator to get their thoughts and they said it looked good with only 0.6% green and 2.1% dockage. Either way, yields are generally poor and half the crop we typically get.

In the meantime, we are heavy harrowing and fixing fences. There's always something to do around here...

Hope you are having a good harvest!



Weekly Cash Bid Changes:
(Comparison of last Friday's bids to today)


Canola: Down $0.35/bu - $0.85/bu 

CWRS: Down $0.26/bu - $0.38/bu

CPSR: Down $0.20/bu - $0.36/bu

Feed Barley: Mostly lower 

Malt Barley: Higher 

Yellow Peas: Mostly lower 

Oats: Unchanged to stronger

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Sept. 10, 2021
Canola - $20.27/bu Dec
2 CWRS 13.5 - $10.91/bu Dec, $10.98/bu Mar
2 CPSR 11 - $10.10/bu FOB Oct-Mar
Feed Wheat (Red) - $11.00/bu Oct
Barley - $8.00/bu Nov-Dec
Yellow Peas - $17.00/bu Sep, $15.00/bu Jan-Mar
Oats - $6.11/bu Oct-Dec, $6.25/bu Jan onwards
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044 


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