Recent rallies = Great Prices 🍻

Boom. Crops are off.

(Prices look good, too!)

The USDA released its October S&D report today and most markets closed higher. Increased yields were also met with increased demand.

Canola: Futures ended higher on the week. It's approaching the highs it made mid-Sept. but it's not quite there. Additional support spilled over from soybean oil, which had the most active contract rally today. Tightness in vegoil is expected to continue with healthy domestic and export demand.

Wheat: How high can they go (again)? Wheat futures keep climbing! Prices would look even better if basis levels didn’t widen. Pay attention to this as some elevators widened the basis by over $0.35/bu. It will remain to be seen how much of the dryness news in the U.S. plains and Russia are already factored into these markets.

Barley: Even better! It is not a far fetch to find $5.00/bu FOB prices.

Peas: $8.00/bu yellow peas pretty much everywhere and found $9.20+/bu for greens.

Oats: Some bids bounced a few cents higher this week.

Around the farm: Wrapped up harvest! It sure is nice to be done by Thanksgiving for once. The combines are already cleaned up and put away for next year. Now it’s all the “other” stuff that needs to get done: repair my disc and grain cart, haul manure, and harrow everything before the snow flies!

Overall yields came in below-average which I’m sure surprises nobody. I sent out many wheat samples and the results show great grade and falling numbers, but lower protein (it was around that 12.5-13.0%). Knowing this, I was still able to trigger a great sale with the way wheat futures were flying high earlier this week. I used Farmbucks to quickly and easily find the top bids for wheat in my area and then proceeded to call those buyers for a more detailed discussion about deliveries, blending and drying charges. I ended up making a deal - with an elevator I haven't gone to in years! It pays to follow the data!

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On that note, happy Thanksgiving!

Weekly Price Changes:
Canola: Up about $0.23/bu

CPSR: Up $0.15/bu

CWRS: Up around $0.07/bu

Feed Barley: Great prices available!! Bids are up!
Check them out in your area

Yellow Peas: Stronger; $8.00/bu

Oats: Some bids are few cents higher

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Oct. 5 - Oct. 9, 2020
Canola - $12.00/bu Feb - $12.26/bu May
2 CPSR 11.5 - $7.00/bu June - July
2 CWRS 13 - $7.34/bu May
Barley - $5.43+/bu Dec
Yellow Peas - $8.00/bu Dec onwards
Oats 2CW - $3.60+/bu Nov onward
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044


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