Step UP Your Game! ⬆


Step your game up! 

(There's no better time.)

Sometimes when we market our grain we feel like a king or queen and other times, well, the jester. At Farmbucks, our whole existence is based on helping you make the most informed decisions about your grain marketing options. No matter what your strategy, we give you the most up-to-date, relevant prices in your area. Much of Western Canada's markets are still red hot, but you need to do what makes sense for your farm.

"How do I become a winner?" you ask? Step your game up with Farmbucks, that's how! Download our free app and start finding the prices that are going to put you back in the black. We have bids out on every crop in every location across Western Canada. With more than 100,000 bids active at any given time, there's something for everyone. Best of all, you can set price alerts and walk away. Once your magic number triggers, we'll be sure to notify you so you can get the ball rolling on a sale. That's it. Don't delay, start making money today and be a winner!


Market Recap:

Canola: Volatile and wild swings continue. Down hard some days due to profit-taking then back up again. The USDA report released earlier in the week contained no surprises and hardly affected the markets and instead just kicked the can down the road.

You can't make this sh*t up. $20/bu old-crop canola targets were triggered today while new crop bids continue to impress after they reached $14.75/bu+. Buyers are recommending to put in $15/bu new crop targets. 

Wheat: On the struggle bus. Wheat markets are weak and lost some ground this week. The U.S. southern plains are forecasted to receive more moisture and so KC wheat headed lower and dragged the other two along with it. However, the main spring wheat region in the U.S. is still dry and conditions are worsening. This should be supportive of spring wheat prices. Upcoming weather will play a role in how these markets react.

In other news, fertilizer prices are on the rise and rumours have it that it's the same in Russia. Russian farmers may look at backing off their fertilizer rates, which translates to potentially lower wheat production. 

If you still have old crop wheat to sell be sure to watch your local feed wheat bids. (We list those separately on the platform so remember to add it to your watchlist!) There are great offers out there that justify selling into it.

Barley: Many bids have decreased slightly this week for both new and old crop. Be sure to take advantage of some great prices while they last. 

This week I've read that farmers in Argentina fear that the government may intervene with wheat so they may decide to switch and plant more barley acres. Speculation is if that does occur, China then may go do a little more shopping out that way (instead of here). 

Peas: Pea bids also lost steam this week. There are still a few good deals to be had, just not as many. So if you see a price you like, be sure to grab it before it's gone.


Around the farm: It was a busy week here on the farm. Outside activities included pulling out our augers, moving wheat to elevators and shovelling out bins. Everything was going just fine until my DEF pump went kaput on my 2018 7250R JD tractor. *Curses* DEF. Anyway, my local JD dealer was great and had a crew out that afternoon to replace it.

In the office, it was also an extremely busy week. I am exploring the possibility of upgrading my bin monitoring system so that I can read the moisture and temperatures from my phone. What do you say, OPI or BinSense?

*** Also FYI some early booking programs are due  (i.e. Incredible Bayer Offer and Corteva's Fex+ Rewards early booking program.) Don't worry, you aren't the only one who hates all these damn programs. Needless to say, I spent time narrowing down what I need for chemicals this growing season, receiving quotes and putting in my orders.

Phew, TGIF. I'm pretty sure a drink is in order for tonight! Enjoy the warmer air and weekend folks! Cheers!



Weekly Cash Bid Changes:
(Comparison of last Friday's bids to today)


Canola: Up $0.10/bu - $0.35/bu 

CPSR: Down around $0.23/bu 
CWRS: Down $0.18/bu - $0.12/bu

Feed Barley: Down $0.05/bu - $0.10/bu

Yellow Peas: Unchanged to lower

Oats: Unchanged


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March 8 - 12, 2021
Canola - $20.00/bu Jun targets, $14.75+/bu Nov-Dec
2 CPSR 11 - $8.00/bu Jun-Jul, $7.44/bu Feb 2022
1 CWRS 13.5 - $8.44/bu Jun, $7.98/bu Feb 2022
Feed Wheat (Red) - $8.40/bu Jun, $6.72/bu Jan-Feb 2022
Barley - $6.65/bu Jul, $6.00/bu Jan 2022
Yellow Peas - $11.50/bu April-May, $10.00/bu Aug-Nov
Oats 2CW - $4.65/bu March-April, $4.15/bu Jan-Feb
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044 


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