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Strap in.

(Pricing rollercoaster continues)

A smart man once said: You gotta know when to hold 'em/know when to fold 'em.

For the record, I never know when to fold, which is probably why everyone likes playing poker with me. But, at least I have Farmbucks! You might ask: What makes us different? Here's a simple answer: everything. We have the most comprehensive database of bids and buyers across Western Canada. And it's not even close. Our information is laid out in a clear, concise way and it's ad-free! 

We connect you straight to buyers to help you make more profitable decisions.
Repeat after me: Show me the money!

Market Recap:

This past Tuesday the USDA released a report which slashed corn and soybean production and increased exports which = lower ending stocks. This sent both futures soaring to new highs.

Canola: Canola jumped higher by the strength seen in the soybean/oil markets and its own forecasted tightening supply. This week we witnessed many $12.50/bu old-crop canola bids and some even reached $12.90/bu for May del. Hold on to your hats and let's see how this one plays out!

Wheat: Boring. I repeat: there's still lots of wheat in the world. Prices are just bouncing a few cents up/down. No big moves expected so watch for specials that pop up and fit your grade-protein level of wheat stored-on farm.

Barley: Barley staying strong as the hot corn market is helping support it. Still seeing some great prices for feed barley.

Peas: Yellow pea activity has not been as aggressive lately but prices seem to be holding their own with some bids still out there at $9.25/bu. 

Around the farm: Winter is back and we got a nice four-inch blanket of snow. I ventured off the farm and went to Red Deer to speak on a farmer panel at the Thanks For Farming Tour and had a Farmbucks booth. Even though we had to do temperature checks, wear masks, physically distance and sanitize, it felt so good to get out and speak with industry and farmers. I never thought I'd say this, but I haven't had that much fun in a long time!

Although COVID is a concern, I felt that this tradeshow was no more of a risk than me going to Costco or sending my kids to school. With that said, I hope all of you are staying healthy and still finding joy day-to-day.
If you ever go to login to Farmbucks and forget your password, just remember, you're not alone. For proof, watch this hilarious video we can all relate to!


Weekly Cash Bid Changes:
Canola: up $0.22/bu - $0.33/bu

CPSR: up about $0.05/bu and some down $0.06/bu
CWRS: some up $0.03/bu and some down $0.05/bu (basis levels changing)

Feed Barley: bids remain strong and some are up $0.08/bu - $0.22/bu

Yellow Peas: unchanged - finding $9.25/bu bids

Oats: unchanged to slightly higher $0.05/bu

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Nov. 9 - 13, 2020
Canola - $12.90/bu May
2 CPSR 11 - $7.01/bu May
2 CWRS 13.5 - $7.50/bu Apr - May
Barley - $5.93/bu FOB Picture Butte Apr - July
Yellow Peas - $9.25/bu Feb-Apr
Oats 2CW - $3.85+/bu Alberta Feb - Mar
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044 


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