It's go time.

(we got you covered.)

Let’s keep this brief. We know you are either walking to the combine or you are already in it as you read this. You rightfully have one thing and one thing only on your mind—putting the crop in the bin. We are here to help. No, not with driving a grain cart, but finding you the prices to match your level of hard work this year! 

Do yourself a favour on you’re away from the headlands and check out the deals this week. Trust me when I say you should swipe right--these prices are better than any Tinder action out there, not that I'd know! Speaking of action, bids are heating up and we have all of them to satisfy everyone from the most conservative marketer to the biggest riverboat gambler out there and everyone in between. Don’t believe us, look below and see the top deals of the week!

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Weekly Market Recap:

Monday is Labour day! Markets are closed.

Deals of the week: $19.00/bu maple peas, $33.00/bu flax, $21.00+/bu durum

Canola: StatCan reported expected yields to be lower by about 30% of last year's numbers. Even so, this is old news and already factored in the prices we see today. Canola futures gradually slid lower this week and is looking to soybeans for direction. 

Wheat: Wheat futures, again, chopping around the higher price levels. StatCan numbers showed large declines in yields but, like canola, it was of no surprise to the markets.

If you grow wheat of any kind, feed bids are also worth watching as they have reached $11/bu and may be a better deal than locking in a #1 CWRS! That’s not a typo!

Also, durum bids gained another $1/bu this week. Bids are reaching above $21/bu now!

Barley: Despite the recent softening of bids across different buyers that doesn't mean $8.25+/bu FOB isn't still achievable! There are still a few looking to buy at these high prices. Just beware that if corn continues to lose ground, barley prices will follow. 

Malt barley bids are still posting a premium over feed barley. Make sure you know what you've got in the bins and remain aware of what your local bids are. $9.75/bu is available.

Peas: We've seen some yellow bids move up to $17/bu for immediate movement, however, here too we also see some mainline companies soften their bids as their nearby requirements and trains fill.

Maple pea bids gained strength this week with bids reaching $19/bu!

Oats: Oat bids remain strong this week. Rumbles of light test weights coming in and, we all know, lower yields, too.

Around the farm: So much has changed since a week ago! We have been working long and hard and managed to combine about 1,800 acres of wheat. For the record, I don't EVER remember having this many acres off by Sept. 3. This is NOT normal. I have barely 10 acres left of wheat to grab out of a couple of low peaty spots. I'll probably leave it ‘til the very end to go back and get it. To recap, when we started combining, our wheat tested around 18% moisture and so I ran 20,000 bushels through our dryer. When it was finally testing around 16% and under, it bypassed the dryer and all went straight into my bins. Fast forward to a few days later and right before rain fell the moisture was all the way down to 12.5%. All in all, my lowest yielding field was about 25 bu/ac and highest field was 68 bu/ac. The variance per field was huge! On average it will all probably settle out to be around 50 bu/ac, which is about 35% lower than my average yield.

Now we shift our focus to the canola. I doubt much of it is ready as the late rains turned weak spots green again, but we will go and test it once the sun comes out. 

I hope your harvest is going well. Also, please remember that many are struggling with harvest and it's really taken a toll on some of us. Reach out to a friend or loved one with a quick text or call. I know there are some of you struggling to even pull off 15 bu/ac yields or find feed for animals ... I'm here for you! Drop me a line and let’s talk!

Here's to the Long Weekend!

Cheers y’all!

Weekly Cash Bid Changes:
(Comparison of last Friday's bids to today)


Canola: Down $0.27/bu - $1.00/bu 

CWRS: Down around $0.13/bu 

CPSR: Down around $0.13/bu 

Feed Barley: Still strong (but some lowered bids by $0.20/bu-$0.50/bu)

Malt Barley: Strong (but also seen some bids lower by about $0.30/bu)

Yellow Peas: Strong (some movement lower)

Oats: Unchanged

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Sept. 3, 2021
Canola - $20.89/bu Oct
2 CWRS 13.5 - $11.15/bu Oct, $11.27/bu Dec
2 CPSR 11 - $10.23/bu Sept, $10.17/bu Feb
Feed Wheat (Red) - $11.00/bu Sep-Oct
Barley - $8.25/bu Sep-Dec, $8.17/bu Jan onwards
Yellow Peas - $17.00/bu Sept, $16.00/bu Nov-Dec
Oats - $6.00/bu Aug-Dec, $6.25/bu Jan onwards
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044 


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