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Did you see them? There are even more bids and offers out today as we've made it our mission to uncover all grain prices for you. We will not stop until no stone is unturned. And by “we” I do mean our sophisticated algorithm. You think I can keep up with this sh!t? 

Look, if you like what you see, it's easy—just call that buyer (and don't worry if you don't have their number—we provide it for you). What have you got to lose? C’mon, we’re in the business of selling grain, not short-squeezing hedge funds via GameStop. Or maybe you are? Either way, I don’t judge ;) 


Market Recap:

Canola: Old crop prices have just barely hung on this week while it was nice to see new-crop futures gain some strength. 

There are still $16+/bu old crop bids and quite a few new-crop specials out today for $12.75/bu Sept-Oct delivery and even $13/bu for Jan 2022.

Today’s StatCan report contained nothing new to make big market moves. There will be a WASDE released next Tuesday, where bulls are anticipating an increase in exports in corn and soybeans, so we shall wait and see how this one plays out. In other news, wet weather in South America has brought relief to Argentina's crops but there's also too much for the farmers in northern Brazil. 

Wheat: Still bouncing around this week without any clear direction. Strong feed markets are keeping them afloat. What could get interesting is how things play out with Russia and its export taxes and rules as it works to increase its domestic holding capacity.  

Shop around if you have wheat to sell because there are all sorts of bids out there depending on quality and grade. There are feed wheat bids at $8/bu and $8.40+/bu bids for May delivery of 2 CWRS 13.5!

Barley: Remains strong as corn keeps pushing to new highs. In case you forgot, China got into an argument with Australia and doesn't want to buy its barley, so instead, they have turned to Canada. Yay for junior high girl geo-politics! This has significantly increased our exports and thus, diminished our supplies = high prices.

It is impressive to see $5.75 to $6/bu new crop bids available in certain areas. I suspect this will encourage farmers to grow more barley this spring.

Peas: Yellow peas gain even more strength this week. If you look at our exports over the past few months, you can again thank China for all the massive support. Finding $11.00+/bu for old crop yellows and $9.50+/bu new crop.

Around the farm: Brrrr … it wasn’t the nicest week, but we hauled canola when we could (Tuesday a storm rolled through and turned roads into ice rinks). Anyone else have to put their tractor inside between loads? I curse my John Deere tractor and emissions garbage that’s on it for not starting well in cold weather. Finishing up the contract today and it can’t happen soon enough as the -40°C settles in for the weekend. 

Stay warm friends! Huddle up and cheers!


Weekly Cash Bid Changes:

Canola: most are up $0.09/bu - $0.36/bu 

CPSR: Up slightly $0.03/bu - $0.07/bu
CWRS: Up slightly $0.01/bu - $0.12/bu

Feed Barley: Malt bids are stronger and new crop feed bids are higher

Yellow Peas: Up

Oats: Unchanged

Flax: Up! 

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Feb 1 - 5, 2021
Canola - $16.25/bu May-Jun, $13/bu Jan 2022
2 CPSR 11 - $8.00/bu Jun-Jul, $7.50/bu Nov
1 CWRS 13.5 - $8.52/bu May, $7.73/bu Sep
Barley - $6.60/bu July, $6.00/bu Jan 2022
Yellow Peas - $11.10/bu Apr, $9.50/bu Sep
Oats 2CW - $4.60/bu Jun-Jul (Alberta)
Want us to add bids? Let us know who and where!
Text: 780-614-8044


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